The first thing you will need to do is download a mod package from our forums. These mods are created by community members.  

The first thing we would recommend is that if the file(s) you are downloading are in .zip format that you unzip them to a folder on your desktop so that you can find them to move them where they need to go. Some mod files may be setup as installers that will install things for you - if that is the case please see below on to where to install these items to.

We need to make sure the items end up in their proper locations. First find the folder where the game is installed. This typically would be C:/Wolverine Studios/DDSCB20xx although if you purchased the game from Steam it will have a different install path typically in C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/DDSCB20xx. Once that path is located find the imports folder. Take the mod file with the .db extension and place it in that folder. 

If you are downloading graphical mods please note the graphics folder in the main file directory. This folder contains a number of subfolders each where specific items go. Find the folders where each type of items goes (logos, courts, etc) and place them in their proper locations.

To create the league open up the game and start a new league. Choose the import roster option and select the .db file containing the modded information you wish to use when prompted. After that continue with league creation as normal.